Internationally, some places have become synonymous with luxury destinations because of their ability to create and deliver a luxury experience. At a time when counterfeit goods have also become a mainstream issue for this industry, managing the experience of luxury goods and services is even more central to the sustained success of luxury brands. This module introduces students to core principles of luxury experience management across different channels, linking operations management to core strategic aspects, with the aim of delivering a seamless luxury experience. A key part of this is represented not only by the management of channels to market, but also by the ability to create, manage and foster a credible and consistent relationship with customers. Students taking this module will also develop problem solving and applied research skills, through in-class discussion, field work and case study analysis.

Lists linked to Managing the Luxury Experience

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MARK7009 Managing the Luxury Experience in an Era of Sustainability Semester 2 19/01/2025 12:50:21