Browse Hierarchy TEST: Test area - all test modules should be attached to this
Browse Subject
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Deborah Lenihan Training Course | DLTC02 | Module |
Harry Kalantzis Test Course | HK1990 | Module |
Hazel's LTI Test | HAZEL_ROTHERA | Module |
Hazel's Trial Course | HR2019 | Module |
Integration tests | LR0001 | Module |
Melanie Bashor Test Course | MBDEMO | Module |
Moodle 4 Exemplar | TESTMOODLE4SPACE | Module |
Moodle on mobile devices | MOBMOO | Module |
The Digital Divide | DIGI4001 | Module |
Lists linked to Test area - all test modules should be attached to this
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