The Independent Study Module offers the opportunity to study in depth under the supervision of a supervisor, a topic drawn from the supervisor's field of expertise and which is not available on the regular taught modular programme. Students who wish to undertake this module must select a topic after consultation with an appropriate supervisor. Tutorials are available and sometimes seminars (to include a presentation) may be offered with the students being expected to attend. Currently, the length of the coursework is not less than 3,000 words. The nature of this module, as independent study, makes it difficult to prescribe in more detail. The central point is that anyone who undertakes it should be interested in and capable of submitting, with appropriate guidance, a piece of written work of their own choice within the options mentioned above. The focus of this module is on student centred learning rather than any specific teaching.

Lists linked to Independent Study Module

Title Sort by title Semester Last updated Sort by last updated
LAW 6014 or LAW7019 ISM Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains 02/10/2024 14:39:12
LAW 6014 ISM Law and Religion Semester 1 19/07/2022 11:46:46
LAW 6014 ISM Power, Influence and Private law Semester 1 16/09/2024 13:11:11
LAW 6014 ISM: The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Semester 2 03/03/2025 14:05:28
LAW6014 ISM International Law on Global Economy Semester 1 11/10/2022 09:36:45
LAW6014 ISM Queer Theory for Lawyers Semester 1, 2, or 3 26/09/2023 08:36:44
LAW6014 ISM Rape and the Criminal Justice System Semester 1, 2, or 3 13/09/2024 11:24:00