Browse Hierarchy LAW6013: Equity and Trusts
This module fundamentally examines the development and deployment of Equity, as a logic of law. In particular, the module deals, in great detail with the various deployments of the trust-form. It begins with the development of Equity and equitable remedies, before beginning the engagement with trusts. Private trusts are analysed in both their express and implied forms. The module looks at how trusts are set up expressly, how they arise by implication and how other equitable interests may arise informally. Once the instances in which a private trust have been exhausted, the module moves on to consider public trusts, in both their purpose trust and charitable form. The module closes with an over-view of all trusts, looking at the powers and duties of trustees, breach of trust and the process of tracing.
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Title Sort by title | Semester | Last updated Sort by last updated |
LAW6013 Equity and Trusts | Semester 1 and 2 | 12/02/2025 11:56:01 |