This module investigates how continued physical insecurity often dominates the transitions from civil war to peace. It asks why violence often continues despite the ceasefire that may be in place, how violence affects peace processes and peacebuilding programmes, and what are the implications for how this insecurity should be managed? The first part of the module achieves a conceptualisation of violence, peace and peacebuilding, while the second part of the module examines the sources and manifestations of violence after civil war. It addresses issues such as DDR, the privatisation of security, post-conflict crime and spoiler violence. Examples will be taken from contemporary peace processes and post-war societies, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Rwanda, South Africa and Northern Ireland. In the end, students should be able to critically analyse the causes and manifestations of violence in the context of peacebuilding and be able to make recommendations for its management.

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INRL7008 Violence and Peacebuilding Semester 2 06/03/2025 15:06:49