This module has three purposes. First, to act as a focus for the accumulated knowledge of history students in the final semester of their undergraduate programmes, allowing them to undertake a lengthy piece of self-guided historical research in a framework of individual supervision. Second, to bring to fruition the skills training element of the History programme established in year I with 'Introduction to Historiography' (U67507) and year 2 with 'Primary Source Exercise' (U67580) and 'Historical Writing' (U67923). Finally, to confirm the link between research and teaching demonstrated elsewhere in this programme by giving students the opportunity to receive individual tuition in areas related to the research and publication interest of History staff. This honours module encourage students to make connections between material and ideas encountered on earlier modules enabling them to develop an informed and critical overview of the subject history. Students taking this module must also register for the interdisciplinary module in their other field.

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History Interdisciplinary Dissertation/Project 24/05/2024 09:53:14