Browse Hierarchy HIST4014: Bloody Histories: Crime and Violence in the West
This module provides an introduction to the history of crime and violence in the West in the period 1400-2000. It offers you the chance to develop a specialised interest in criminal justice history, and make connections between law, crime and punishment and the wider social context in Britain, Europe and America. You will be expected to show awareness of the debates that have grown up around the basic interpretational or explanatory frameworks applied to the history of crime. The module introduces some of the key types of sources available to crime historians, and some of the challenges in using and interpreting them. This module is an introduction to the history of crime, and as such it complements the level four modules U67501 Europe and the World, U67512 A People's History of Britain, and U67513 What's the Big Idea. It also puts into practice the practical and theoretical learning acquired in the skills module Making History. It prepares you for several level five modules, in particular U67721 Crime and Punishment through the Ages and U67725 Jack the Ripper and the Victorian Underworld.
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Title Sort by title | Semester | Last updated Sort by last updated |
Bloody Histories: Crime and Violence in the West | Semester 2 | 28/02/2025 09:07:36 |