Browse Hierarchy BMGT6011: Entrepreneurial Business Management
Students will become familiar with the steps involved in innovation, developing a business idea and drawing up a business plan. In the first, creative step, students will be required to individually engage in a feasibility study on a venture of their own design. Team members will then present their ideas and the team will select one idea for further development. Failure to complete this assignment satisfactorily may lead to exclusion from the remainder of the module. This module will provide in depth focus on the skills involved in evaluating business ideas, the practical steps involved in launching a business and the necessary processes of winning the finance. The module also addresses those issues that ventures must consider when planning for the eventual exit strategy and so focuses attention on the purpose of business enterprise.
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Title Sort by title | Semester | Last updated Sort by last updated |
BMGT6011 Entrepreneurial Business Management | Semester 1 and 2 | 06/01/2025 15:20:21 |