This module sets out to equip students with a conceptual and operational framework with which to understand the day to day as well as strategic management and leadership issues experienced by non-profit organisations. Non-profits can include campaigning, arts, educational, environmental, overseas development, social care and many other (mostly cause-based, values-driven) organisations. They may take a variety of forms, perhaps as charities and sometimes as social enterprises. The module seeks to reflect the diversity of the so-called third sector, the issues it has in common with the private and public secotrs, as well as its very distinctive features, such as its substantial reliance on a volunteer workforce. The module also offers a thorough conceptual and practical grounding for those contemplating a non-profit focused placement or dissertation.

Lists linked to Managing Non-Profit Organisations

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Managing non-profit organisations BMGT5018 Semester 2 15/02/2023 09:53:08