Browse Hierarchy BMGT5013: Creativity and Innovation
The term `creativity' is still somewhat contentious. It has different meanings in different contexts. Artists do not always perceive engineers as creative, for example. Some see creativity as an individual process and innovation as a group process. In the context of this module an holistic approach will be adopted that defines creativity as both an individual and group process of defining and solving problems, whilst innovation is defined as something new to a context that delivers a benefit and is public in its effect. As such an innovation may be associated with a new product, process, or system that involves creative problem solving at various stages in bringing a new idea into the public arena.
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Title Sort by title | Semester | Last updated Sort by last updated |
BMGT5013 & BMGT4029 Creativity and Innovation | Semester 2 | 14/11/2022 16:19:25 |