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Advanced Diploma in Leading Care Services ZH55 Course
Anthropology ANTH Subject
Childhood Studies ECS Subject
Chinese CHIN Subject
Communication CMC Subject
Creative Writing CWRI Subject
Criminology CRIM Subject
Drama DRAM Subject
Education (Practitioner Research) EDUC Subject
Education and Human Development EDST Subject
English ENGL Subject
Foundation Degree Early Years EAYS Subject
Foundation in Humanities HUMS Subject
French FREN Subject
Geography GEOG Subject
German GERM Subject
History HIST Subject
History of Art HART Subject
International Relations INRL Subject
IPC Certificate of Credit ZH51 Course
Italian ITAL Subject
Japanese JPNS Subject
Language and Linguistics LANG Subject
Law LAW Subject
Modern European Studies MDES Subject
Modern Foreign Languages MOFL Subject
PG Cert in Strategic & Operational Leadership in Social Care ZH53 Course
PG Certificate in Managing Practice Quality in Social Care ZH50 Course
Philosophy PHIL Subject
Politics POLI Subject
Pre-Masters PREM Subject
Primary Teacher Education PTE Subject
Professional Graduate Certificate in Education/Cert Ed PGCE Subject
Public Care WFPC Subject
Social Sciences SSCI Subject
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties SEBD Course
Sociology SOCI Subject
Spanish SPAN Subject
Theology THEO Subject

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