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Acute Care: Assessment and Management of the Acutely Ill Adult CPD7023 Module
Acute Care: Assessment and Management of the Acutely Ill Adult CPD6004 Module
Adult Emergency Care CPD7014 Module
Advanced Clinical Decision Making CPD7007 Module
Advanced Clinical Practitioner EPA CPD7006 Module
Advanced Communication and Supportive Relationships CPD7018 Module
Advanced History Taking and Assessment CPD7002 Module
Advancing Practice in Dementia Care CPD7032 Module
Advancing Professional Practice CPD7001 Module
Applied Care of the Critically ill adult CPD6003 Module
Applied Care of the Critically ill adult CPD7022 Module
Applied Leadership in Healthcare CPD7033 Module
Applied Population Health CPD7034 Module
Applied Research Methods CPD7004 Module
Assessing and Managing Minor Illness CPD7042 Module
Assessing and Managing Minor Injury CPD7041 Module
Brief Interventions in Acute Mental Health Settings CPD7025 Module
Cardiac and Respiratory Care CPD7012 Module
Care at the End of Life CPD7019 Module
Care of the older person with frailty CPD7013 Module
Children's Emergency Care CPD7015 Module
Coaching and Facilitating Learning in the Workplace CPD7035 Module
Comprehensive Assessment of the Person with Frailty CPD7030 Module
Contemporary Diabetes Care CPD7031 Module
Developing Emergency Care CPD7016 Module
Diagnostic Reasoning in Practice CPD7003 Module
Dissertation in Advanced Practice CPD7005 Module
Enhanced Patient Assessment and Management CPD7011 Module
Improving Practice in Working with Autistic People and Their Families CPD7038 Module
Improving Quality through Evidence-Based Practice CPD6006 Module
Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for AHP’s CPD7009 Module
Leadership in Quality Improvement CPD7036 Module
Nurse or Midwife Independent/Supplementary Prescribing (V300) CPD7008 Module
Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) Practice CPD7028 Module
Principles of caring for the critically ill adult CPD6002 Module
Principles of Caring for the Critically Ill Adult CPD7021 Module
Professional Nurse Advocate CPD7045 Module
Recovery in Mental Health CPD7026 Module
SACT Administration & Patient Care CPD6001 Module
SACT Administration and Patient Care CPD7017 Module
Simulation Based Education; Theory, Design and Facilitation CPD7010 Module
The Deteriorating Adult Patient CPD7024 Module
The Deteriorating Adult Patient CPD6005 Module
The Self as an Emergent Practitioner CPD7037 Module
Theories and Practice of Psychospiritual Care CPD7039 Module
Therapeutic Approaches to Psychospiritual Care CPD7040 Module
Tissue Viability and Advanced Wound Care CPD7029 Module
Working in partnership with families and carers using psychosocial interventions CPD7027 Module

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